To provide substantial opportunities to promote Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Wellness. To create health education programs, physical activities, and disease prevention. Empowering people, by addressing the social determinants of health.
Dedicated to exploring the health and well-being of the community, Body, Mind, and Spirit. Promoting health through knowledge and skills, as part of the mission, serving the diverse community. Seeking strategies to promote better lifestyles, by stimulating and generating the well-being of all.
Our goal is to contribute to the improvement of health outcomes in our community.
Provide healthful opportunities to advance Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Wellness to those without access to resources. Our vision is for all people to embrace Health, Healing, and Wholeness without barriers.
We are Stronger Together
Founder / President
HM-Marketing Dpt
ESL- Program Supervisor
Instructor - JIU JITSU CLASS
Board Member
ESL - Teacher
Board Member
Advisory Board Member
Advisory Board Member
Your Source for Health, Physical Wellness and Education.
Educational and community programs and strategies have played an essential role in achieving the goals of healthy people. These programs are designed to reach people outside of traditional healthcare settings, in settings such as:
Workplaces, Schools, Health Centers, Churches, and Community Spaces.
Each scenario offers opportunities to reach people using existing social structures. The program maximizes positive impact and reduces the time, and resources required for program development. People generally have high levels of contact in community settings, both directly and indirectly.
Programs that combine multiple settings, if not all four (Diabetes, HIV, Mental Health, Cancer Screening) can have a more significant impact than programs using only one parameter. Although stricken populations sometimes overlap, people who are not accessible in one setting may be in another (for example, “I do not have diabetes, but I have anxiety”).
The use of non-traditional settings can help to encourage the informal sharing of information in communities through peer social interaction. Reaching out to people in different contexts also allows for greater customization of information and health education.
The Health Ministry believes that educational and community programs encourage and enhance health and well-being by educating communities on topics such as:
· Chronic diseases (diabetes, etc.)
· Prevention of injuries and Domestic Violence Prevention.
· Mental illness (Depression and Anxiety), Suicide Prevention.
· Prenatal care and Unwanted pregnancy
· Oral health, Use of tobacco, or alcohol and other drug problem.
· Nutrition, Physical activity, Obesity Prevention.
What We Do Not Do:
Multiple influences determine health status and health-related behaviors, at various levels: personal, organizational /institutional, environmental, and political. As there are significant and dynamic interrelationships between these levels of health determinants, educational and community programs most effectively improve health and well-being when they address influences at all levels, and in a variety of settings.
Our goal is to contribute to the improvement of health outcomes in our community.
Provide healthful opportunities to advance Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Wellness to those without access to resources. Our vision is for all people to embrace Health, Healing, and Wholeness without barriers.